
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Why Do Parents Hate Video Games?

Video games have been a source of entertainment for many generations, but they can also be a source of contention between parents and children. For many parents, the potential harmful effects of video games on their children’s behavior and growth are a major cause for concern. With anxieties stemming from violence to apprehensions regarding addiction, it’s easy to understand why parents might not be fans of video games.

What Are The Impacts Of Video Games?

For decades, video games have been a controversial topic of conversation.

What Are The Impacts Of Video Games?

While some individuals maintain that video games may present a constructive form of amusement, others remain apprehensive about their potential negative impacts on the conduct and growth of children.


Surprisingly, many experts contend that playing video games has a multitude of benefits for kids. For example, playing specific video games may boost problem-solving abilities and create a chance for socializing with friends or family. Furthermore, educational video games are invaluable in teaching kids valuable lessons about critical thinking and decision-making.


Video games have a number of potential drawbacks that can contribute to why parents may not like them. First, video games can be very addictive; some people become so engrossed in them that they neglect their physical and mental health, as well as social relationships. This is especially concerning for younger players who haven’t fully developed the skills and discipline needed to manage their own behavior. Second, video game content can often be too mature for children or even adolescents, containing violent scenes with graphic depictions of blood and gore. These types of images can lead to desensitization over time, leading players to accept violence more readily than before. Finally, playing video games requires costly hardware such as consoles, controllers, and games which can be difficult for some parents to afford.[1]

Why Do Parents Say Video Games Are Bad?

With legitimate cause, parents are often worried that video games can have unfavorable consequences on their children.

Why Do Parents Say Video Games Are Bad?

Gaming dependence is not to be taken lightly – research has connected playing violent video games with hostile conduct in a few unfortunate cases.

Additionally, too much gaming can interfere with physical activity as well as other responsibilities such as schoolwork or household chores.

Relationship Issues

Parents often cite relationship issues as a major reason why they think video games are bad. Parents worry that too much gaming can lead to their children neglecting other important relationships, such as those with family and friends. They fear that this could result in isolation from the people who care about them most and even cause depression or anxiety. Additionally, parents may be concerned that video game addiction could take away from time spent studying or doing homework, leading to poorer academic performance.

Health Issues

Extended exposure to video games can have detrimental impacts on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents. Research has revealed that overindulging in video games can cause physical issues, such as neck and shoulder agony, joint soreness, and fatigue from peering at the screen for prolonged durations. Prolonged periods of inactivity like gaming can lead to an increase in weight and health issues related to obesity. Moreover, some video games contain extremely violent content which research suggests can have an adverse effect on young minds; this includes desensitization to violence, aggressive behavior in real life situations, and even depression and anxiety due to feelings of isolation. Considering the many potential dangers associated with video gaming, it is understandable why parents might be reluctant to let their children participate in this activity. Additionally, video games can become an addiction for some gamers, leading them to prioritize gaming over all other activities and responsibilities.

When children spend too much time playing video games, it can result in underwhelming academic performance and social seclusion, as well as a lack of physical exercise – all good reasons why parents may be opposed to them.

Social Disconnection

Video games are often seen as a way to disconnect from the world and ignore family. Parents worry that kids may prioritize their video game interests over family obligations, school work, and even friends. When children fritter away their free time playing video games inside rather than connecting with others in the outdoors, parents may feel neglected and rejected.

Social Disconnection

This not only affects parents but also can lead to long-term social obstacles for the child. Social skills like communication, interpersonal relations, problem solving, and empathy can be stunted if there isn’t enough practice or active engagement in those areas. [2]

Exposure To Toxic Gaming Environments

Video games can be an incredibly enjoyable and exhilarating experience; however, they can also become a breeding ground for toxic behavior that parents naturally don’t want their children to witness. Online gaming often involves players interacting with each other through text or audio chat, which can lead to cyberbullying, harassment, trolling and even hate speech. Without proper monitoring by parents or game developers/publishers, these gaming environments can become unhealthy and unsafe for young gamers. In addition, some video games contain content and themes (graphic violence, profanity, etc.) that many parents do not feel comfortable exposing their children to. This is why the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) was created – to give parents guidance on what kind of content a game contains so they can make an educated decision on if it’s appropriate for their child. Without proper parental oversight, children may be playing games that are inappropriate or unsafe for them. This can lead to long-term consequences such as desensitization to violence or negative behaviors and language being repeated in real-life situations. Parents who are concerned about the content of video games often choose not to allow their children to play them at all, rather than try to monitor and control what kind of content they’re exposed to.

Poor Academic Performance

One of the biggest reasons parents hate video games is their fear that video game use could interfere with a child’s academic performance. If kids play too much, parents worry that not enough time will be available for studying and completing homework assignments. This can result in lower grades and have a negative impact on their future. Although students may still keep up in school while they play video games, research shows that spending too much time gaming can diminish opportunities to partake in more beneficial activities like reading books or outdoor exploration. Ultimately, this can lead to lower cognitive development due to lack of stimulation. Additionally, exposure to violent video games has been proven to increase aggression in children and teenagers, which can lead to negative academic repercussions like being disciplined at school. Video games can be incredibly engaging and addictive, leading to young people spending too much time playing them at the expense of other critical activities. Parents are aware of the damaging effects that excessive video game playing can have on their child’s mental health, which may detrimentally impede their capacity to form meaningful relationships later in life. Additionally, video games may give kids unrealistic expectations of life as they may seem to believe that what happens in real life mirrors what happens on the screen. This can lead to disappointment or disillusionment when things don’t pan out according to plan. Ultimately, parents want their kids to have a balanced lifestyle, and fear that excessive gaming will interfere with this goal. [3]

What Should Parents Do To Combat Video Games?

Parents have every right to worry about their children’s gaming habits.

What Should Parents Do To Combat Video Games?

To combat this problem, parents should look at the underlying reasons behind why their child may be playing too much. Once the root of the problem is identified, it can be addressed more effectively.

Create A Family Media Plan

Creating a family media plan is a great way for parents to set boundaries and expectations regarding video game usage in the home. This strategy should include a comprehensive set of regulations that determine when and how video games can be played, as well as the daily/weekly allowance per child. Depending on the age of each child, this could also involve establishing what type of content they are able to access.

By establishing boundaries around how much time your children spend playing video games, you can both cut down on their in-game hours and motivate them to discover new activities.
Additionally, it gives parents an opportunity to ensure that their children are playing age-appropriate material.

Be A Good Role Model

Children look to their parents as role models. When parents prioritize video gaming over family time, it can leave a lasting impression on their children that could have profound repercussions. If a parent is often occupying themselves with video games, it could give their child the wrong impression – that gaming trump’s family bonding. It’s also important for parents to be mindful about what types of video game content they are exposed to. Many violent or mature-themed video games may not be appropriate for young children, so parents should make sure they are well-informed on the content their children might be exposed to when playing video games. Finally, it’s essential that parents stay involved in their child’s life and keep up with their gaming habits. Talking to children about video games and setting limits on play time can help ensure that the child is having a positive experience with video games, while also developing healthy habits. By doing all these things, parents will gain a deeper insight into why their children take pleasure in playing video games and consequently view it as less of an issue. With this, parents can overcome any hostility or resentment they might feel towards video games and help their children benefit from them. The key is for parents to be open-minded and involved in order to make sure that their kids are getting the most out of their gaming experience.

Set A Time Limit

One of the main issues parents have about video games is that it takes children away from other activities and interactions, such as reading, sports, or spending time with friends. To avoid this issue, it is essential to establish a limit for the amount of time your child can spend playing video games. This way they are able to stay focused on their studies and social relationships while still having some fun in between. It’s important to be clear when setting these limits so that your child knows what you expect of them and respects those expectations. Make sure to also provide regular feedback and encouragement so that your child has a sense of accomplishment after following through with the rules you’ve set forth. Doing this will help keep gaming something enjoyable for them instead of feeling like it’s a chore they have to do. By setting a time limit and providing positive reinforcement, your child will be more likely to stay within their limits and enjoy the games responsibly.

Have An Open Talk With Your Children

Parents should keep an open mind and productively converse with their children about the dangers of video games, as well as why they may be anxious.

Have An Open Talk With Your Children

Parents should explain to their children that although some video games can provide an enjoyable experience, there are potential dangers associated with them such as addiction, aggression, reduced physical activity, and lack of social interaction. Engaging in a fruitful dialogue can assist kids to comprehend why their parents don’t desire them playing video games for extended periods of time and how they can responsibly enjoy the activity by establishing limits on screen time. It is also beneficial to discuss age-appropriate content in the games so that children know what type of material they are exposed to while gaming. This can help ensure that kids don’t play games that contain inappropriate content. [4]


Why do parents hate games?

Parents and children often find themselves in heated arguments about video games. Parents may be anxious that their children are devoting too much energy to video games, or that the content of certain titles is unsuitable for young viewers. These worries are based on common stereotypes about video game culture and its potential to negatively impact a child’s development.

How many parents dislike video games?

It’s hard to quantify exactly how many parents dislike video games, but research suggests that a significant amount do. According to research, approximately half of all parents interviewed disclosed they had some degree of opposition regarding their child indulging in video games. Furthermore, about 15 percent of parents rated their disapproval as “high.” Why the strong aversion? Numerous parents consider video games to be a hindrance that diminishes the amount of time their kids spend engaging in other healthy activities like reading or playing outdoors. In addition, some parents worry about the content of certain video games and fear that they may expose their child to violence and other inappropriate topics. Finally, many parents are concerned about how much money is being spent on video games, particularly with regard to downloadable content. Despite the fact that many parents disapprove of video games, it is important to remember that they can be a healthy and educational activity if used correctly.

How many parents think video games are bad?

Washington University’s research conducted shows that a vast majority of parents, almost 80%, are concerned about the negative effects video games have on their kids. These parents cite concerns such as increased aggression, social isolation, and lack of physical activity due to excessive gaming. The same study found that many parents also feel like video game companies are taking advantage of their kids with microtransactions and exploitative marketing tactics. There is also a strong negative perception of video games in general, with many parents believing that they are nothing more than violent, mind-numbing distractions. This thinking has caused some parents to believe that video games should be prohibited or severely limited in order to guard their children from any potential dangers.

At what age do you get bad at video games?

Video games have become a staple in the lives of many children and teens, yet some parents still express strong displeasure over them.

At what age do you get bad at video games?

There are a variety of reasons why parents may not be thrilled about their child playing video games, such as concerns about excessive screen time, violent content, online dangers, etc. One other factor that may contribute to parental discomfort is the age at which they feel a child becomes “bad” at video games.

Should I let my kid win at video games?

A frequent disagreement between parents and their children when it comes to video games is whether or not a parent should allow the child to win. On one hand, some people argue that letting your child win can boost their self-esteem and give them a sense of accomplishment. On the other hand, there are those who say that it’s counterproductive and teaches the child that winning isn’t based on skill or effort, but rather luck.

Why do parents hate GTA?

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is one of the most controversial video games ever created. From its violent and criminal content to its sexual themes, parents often find GTA deeply worrying – especially when their children are playing it. The criticisms levied against GTA can be broadly grouped into two categories: moral and practical. On the one hand, parents worry that playing GTA will encourage their children to behave in an immoral way and desensitize them to violence. On the other hand, many also criticize the practical effects of playing this game, arguing that it can be a waste of time which could be better spent on more productive activities.

Does gaming make kids angry?

Many parents express concern that exposing their kids to video games may cause or increase aggressive tendencies. While it is true that playing a violent game can make some players more aggressive, there are no scientific studies to support the claim that gaming leads to increased aggression or violence in children. Numerous studies have proven that playing video games can actually reduce stress and aggression levels.

Should I let my 12-year-old play video games?

The answer to this question really depends on your parenting style and what you feel is best for your child. While the decision is ultimately up to you, there are some things to consider before letting your child play video games. First, it is important to understand why parents may be hesitant when it comes to video games. Video games can be a source of violent or inappropriate content, as well as provide an unhealthy way to spend free time. Excessive gaming has been linked to poor academic performance, social isolation, and even addiction in some cases. In addition to these potential risks, video games can also take up a significant amount of your child’s time.

What is the most disliked video game?

The Grand Theft Auto series is infamously known as one of the most disliked video games. Criticisms of this game series include its incorporation of violence, open-world design, and the utilization of highly contentious topics such as substance abuse and sexuality. Parents of children who play video games have raised worries about the potential effect on their child’s character and beliefs.

Which age plays video games the most?

According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), adults aged 18 and older make up the largest segment of gamers. In 2017, this was a total of 68% of all game players. Sadly, numerous parents are unaware that their grown children play video games or why they would do so.

Useful Video: 15 MISCONCEPTIONS Some Parents Have About Their Gamer Kids


Video games have long been a source of controversy and debate, especially among parents. Video games may not be the ultimate way to unwind, yet it is significant to bear in mind that they can also have some positive aspects such as strengthened problem-solving abilities and cooperative gaming. Ultimately, the amount of time devoted to playing video games should be up to the individual and their parents. Parents should take the time to comprehend why their children appreciate video games and, when needed, set rational limits on how long they can play them.


  1. https://technewsdaily.com/news/why-do-parents-hate-video-games/
  2. https://veryinformed.com/why-do-parents-hate-video-games/
  3. https://scandasia.com/86-of-parents-believe-that-their-children-play-video-games-excessively/
  4. https://cjhseagleeditorial.com/1232/uncategorized/should-parents-hate-video-games-as-bad-as-they-do/