
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

What to Do Instead of Playing Video Games?

Video games can be a great way to pass the time, but if you find yourself spending too much of your day playing them, it’s time to look for some other activities. Whether you want to do something productive or just have fun, there are plenty of things that you can do instead of video games. From learning a new hobby or skill to getting outdoors and exploring nature, there are plenty of activities that can help keep boredom at bay while also allowing you to make the most out of your free time. Here is a list of what to do instead of playing video games.

Boredom Leads to Excessive Gaming

  • Get outside: Going for a walk or jog, playing sports, or taking a bike ride can help clear your head and get the creative juices flowing.
  • Explore nature: Take advantage of parks and green spaces in your area to explore nature and appreciate the beauty around you.
  • Read books: Reading can open up your imagination to new ideas and stories that you may not have encountered otherwise.
  • Watch movies: Spend time with family or friends watching classic films or discovering something new on streaming services.
  • Try a hobby: Whether it’s drawing, crafting, woodworking, cooking, gardening, or anything else that interests you – try something new!
  • Learn a new skill: Use online courses or tutorials to learn something new. Anything from coding to photography can be great for personal development.
  • Exercise your body and mind: Spend some time doing yoga, stretching, meditating, or working on puzzles.
  • Play an instrument: Learning to play an instrument is not only fun but also provides endless creative opportunities as you practice and create music.
  • Connect with friends: Socializing online or in-person helps keeps us connected and allows us to share experiences and perspectives with our peers.
  • Volunteer: Giving back is one of the best ways to make a positive impact in your community while having fun at the same time! [1]

Gaming Addresses Our Needs

We all need certain things to feel content and fulfilled in life.

For some, playing video games can help meet those needs, providing a sense of escape from the real world, increased self-confidence, and a feeling of accomplishment.
But if gaming is becoming an unhealthy habit or preventing you from living life to its fullest potential, it might be time to pursue healthier alternatives.

Alternative Activity

There are plenty of other activities that you can do instead of playing video games.

Alternative Activity

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Type 1: Mentally Engaging

ActivitiesMentally engaging activities can help you replace video games and provide an alternative outlet for your energy. Here are a few examples of mental activities that could be alternative game replacements:

  • Reading books
  • Working on puzzles or crosswords
  • Writing stories or poems
  • Creating artwork or crafts
  • Studying a foreign language
  • Brain-teasing card games like Sudoku
  • Learning to play an instrument (guitar, piano etc.)
  • Taking online classes in areas of interest.

Type 2: Resting

Sometimes it’s necessary to give yourself a break and recharge your energy. Here are some activities that could help you do just that:

  • Taking a nap * Going for a walk or jog in nature
  • Doing yoga or stretching exercises
  • Listening to calming music or guided meditation
  • Watching movies or TV shows
  • Journaling about positive thoughts and experiences
  • Practicing breathing exercises as mindfulness practice.

Type 3: Social

Social activities can provide a great source of stimulation and enjoyment. Examples include joining a club, going to the movies with friends, attending local events, taking part in outdoor activities like hiking or camping, or simply getting together for coffee with friends. These activities allow you to have meaningful interactions with others while also enjoying yourself.

Type 3: Social

In addition to being fun, social activities can help reduce feelings of loneliness and depression, as well as increase self-confidence. They can also be beneficial in terms of developing teamwork skills and learning how to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds. Finally, spending time doing something that’s not related to gaming can be a way for gamers to break away from their usual habits and explore new interests. Who knows—you might just surprise yourself with how much you like it! [2]

Is Playing Video Games a Hobby?

Playing video games is often thought of as a hobby or pastime, but the truth is that it can be much more than that. Video games can help to improve problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination, and even foster creativity and socialization when played with others.

However, if you’re looking for something to do instead of playing video games, there are plenty of other activities that can provide just as much fun and stimulation.

Are Video Games a Waste of Time?

Many people have arguments on both sides of the fence when it comes to whether or not video games are a waste of time. Proponents of video games argue that they can provide an outlet for creative expression, relaxation, and enjoyment. On the other hand, opponents may point out that hours spent playing video games come at the cost of other activities such as outdoor recreation, physical activity, and social interaction.

The truth is that there’s no right or wrong answer to this question — everyone is unique in their own way and what works for some might not work for others. That said, if you’re looking for alternatives to spending hours playing video games each day, here are a few suggestions:

  • Educate yourself with online courses. There are a variety of free and low-cost online courses available on topics like programming, music production, art history, or anything else you can think of.
  • Get involved in volunteer work. Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and make the world a better place. Many organizations offer volunteer opportunities both online and off, so you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home if you don’t want to!
  • Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve mental health, reduce stress, boost energy levels, and even promote weight loss. So why not take up running or join a local gym?
  • Write about something that interests you. Writing can be a great way to express yourself, sharpen your communication skills, and even make some extra money. Start a blog or write for an online publication — the possibilities are endless!
  • Connect with friends and family. Social interaction is vital for good mental health, so why not get together with friends or reach out to family members you haven’t seen in a while? You could also try joining online communities that share your interests and hobbies. [3]

Looking for Alternatives to Video Games?

If you’re looking for something to do instead of playing video games, there are plenty of activities that can help you stay entertained and engaged.

Looking for Alternatives to Video Games?

Here are some ideas:

  • Take a class in something you’re interested in. You might find a new passion or hobby!
  • Go outside and explore nature. This could involve going on hikes, visiting parks, or just taking a walk around your neighborhood.
  • Read books, magazines, or articles online about topics that interest you.
  • Exercise by joining a gym, doing yoga at home, or simply getting out and moving your body more often.
  • Get creative with art projects like painting, crafting jewelry pieces, or making music.
  • Experiment with new recipes and cook meals for family or friends.
  • Get involved in volunteer work or community service activities.
  • Spend time with family and friends bonding over conversations, board games, or watching movies together.

These are just some of the many things you can do instead of playing video games!

It’s important to remember that taking breaks from gaming can be beneficial in the long run, as it gives you a chance to explore different activities and enjoy some other aspects of life.
If you find yourself needing something new but not sure where to start, give one of these ideas a try—you may find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you discover! [4]


How to quit gaming?

Quitting gaming can be difficult, but it is possible. It often helps to start by setting realistic goals and developing a plan for how to stick to them.

How to quit gaming?

Setting aside time each day for activities other than gaming, such as exercise or creative projects, can help you stay motivated and focus your attention on something new. Taking breaks from gaming to spend time with friends or family or engaging in hobbies like reading or painting can also help break the habit of playing video games. Keeping track of your progress can provide positive reinforcement and encourage you to keep going when it starts to feel hard. Lastly, reaching out for support from friends and family or professional counseling could give you the tools needed to successfully quit gaming altogether.

What are the benefits of playing video games?

Playing video games can provide many benefits. In addition to providing a fun and engaging way to pass the time, there are several potential advantages associated with video game play. These include improved hand-eye coordination skills, increased problem-solving abilities, better decision-making skills, enhanced levels of creativity and imagination, increased confidence levels, improved socialization skills, and improved academic performance in some cases. Video games also have the potential to help individuals deal with stress and anxiety as they help to distract from daily worries.

How to replace video games?

  • Exercise – Exercise is a great way to stay physically and mentally healthy, and it can also provide an alternative form of entertainment.
  • Read – Reading is another great way to stimulate your mind while avoiding video games.
  • Take classes – Whether in person or online, taking classes is another great option for replacing video games with something more productive and interesting.
  • Listen to music – Music is proven to help reduce stress and anxiety, and it can also be a great source of entertainment.
  • Create something – Creating something yourself is another great alternative to playing video games.
  • Socialize – Spending time with family and friends is a great way to stay connected and entertained.
  • Volunteer – Volunteering is a great way to help out your community while also taking a break from video games.
  • Meditate – Taking some time for yourself through meditation or mindfulness techniques can be an excellent way to relax and clear your mind from the stresses of modern life.
  • Explore – Exploring your local area or taking a trip to somewhere new can also provide an entertaining alternative to playing video games.
  • Learn something new – Taking up a hobby or learning a new skill is another great way to replace time spent gaming with something more productive and interesting.

How to stop playing video games?

The first step to take when trying to reduce the amount of time spent playing video games is to set realistic goals. Figure out how much time you would like to spend gaming and then come up with a plan for how you will reach that goal. Make sure your plan includes specific rules such as not playing during certain times or days, setting a limit on the number of hours per day, or limiting yourself to certain types or genres of games.

How to stop playing video games?

Another way to reduce the amount of time spent gaming is by replacing it with other activities. Find hobbies and interests outside of gaming that you enjoy doing and make time for them in your daily schedule. This can be anything from joining a club or sports team, learning a new skill, going on walks, spending time with friends and family, or reading a good book. Finally, it’s important to find ways to reward yourself for sticking to your goals and not playing video games when you don’t want to. Whether it’s treating yourself to something special or just taking some time to relax, make sure you are rewarding yourself for the hard work that goes into avoiding video games.

What do people do besides video games?

There are plenty of activities to do instead of playing video games. For those who want a fun and engaging alternative, here are some ideas:

  • Outdoor Activities – Getting out in nature can be a great way to pass the time and stay active.
  • Sports – If you’re looking for something more competitive than outdoor activities, then organized sports could be an option.
  • Crafts – Creative outlets like painting, drawing, knitting, or jewelry making can be calming and rewarding.
  • Board Games – A classic, board games are a great way to spend time with family or friends without having to stare at screens.
  • Reading – Books can transport us to different worlds by providing us with an escape from reality and offering new perspectives on life.
  • Music – Playing an instrument or singing has been shown to offer numerous benefits such as increased mental alertness and improved memory skills, not to mention being incredibly enjoyable.
  • Dancing – Whether it’s taking lessons or just dancing around to your favorite songs, dancing can be a great way to keep fit and have fun at the same time.
  • Gardening – Working in the garden is both therapeutic and productive – get your hands dirty growing vegetables, herbs, or flowers while also enjoying some fresh air and sunshine.
  • Volunteering – Giving back to the community is not only beneficial but rewarding too. Look for local organizations that need volunteers or find a cause you care about and lend a hand.
  • Meditation/Yoga – These practices are becoming increasingly popular but have been around for centuries due to their calming effects on the mind and body.

What to do instead of playing video games?

If you are looking for something to do instead of playing video games, there are lots of great activities that can be just as fun and rewarding. Here are some ideas:

  • Get creative with arts and crafts – Painting, drawing, sculpting or any other type of art project can be a great way to express your creativity and de-stress from the day.
  • Exercise – Taking a break from gaming by participating in physical activity like running, biking or practicing yoga or Pilates can help keep you fit and improve cognitive function.
  • Go outside – Take a walk in nature or visit your local park for some fresh air and exercise. Be sure to maintain social distancing guidelines if necessary.
  • Read – Pick up a good book and transport yourself to a different world. It’s also a great way to learn something new or escape from reality for a bit.
  • Learn a new skill – Taking the time to learn something like sewing, woodworking or cooking can be rewarding and provide you with an outlet for creative expression.
  • Spend time with family and friends – Reconnecting with loved ones is always important, so why not use your extra gaming time for quality bonding experiences?
  • Volunteer – Lending your time or expertise to help others in need is always an incredibly meaningful experience.
  • Start a hobby – If you have some free time, why not explore something that has been of interest to you? Knitting, gardening and photography are just some of the many hobbies you can take on.

What the hell should I do instead of gaming?

If you’ve been playing video games for hours on end, it’s time to switch things up. There are plenty of activities that can act as a healthy distraction. Exploring new hobbies is a great way to pass the time and discover something new about yourself in the process.

What the hell should I do instead of gaming?

Why not try something creative like painting or drawing? Or, you could use this time to develop your skills with a musical instrument. Exercise and physical activity are also great alternatives to gaming – why not go for a walk or hit the gym? If the outdoors isn’t your thing, there’s plenty of online fitness classes available. You could also focus on improving yourself through educational activities like reading books or watching documentaries. It’s important to remember that it’s ok to take a break from video games and engage in other activities instead, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. Doing something new and different can help you gain new perspectives, build self-confidence, and learn more about yourself. So why not try something different today? Embrace new activities and discover what else the world has to offer. You won’t regret it!

What to do instead of gaming at home?

Playing video games can be a highly enjoyable activity, but it’s not always the best option for staying productive and active. There are plenty of other activities that are just as fun and rewarding as gaming, so why not try something new? Here are some great ideas for things to do instead of playing video games:

  • Get creative: Unleash your inner artist and work on a painting, drawing, or sculpture.
  • Take up a hobby: Try something like knitting, woodworking, or playing an instrument.
  • Work out: Exercise is great for both physical and mental health. Taking a martial arts class or hitting the gym with some friends can be both fun and rewarding.
  • Read a book: Reading is an excellent way to escape reality and explore new worlds.
  • Spend time in nature: Go on a hike, bike ride, or camping trip with friends.
  • Volunteer: Helping those less fortunate can be incredibly rewarding and satisfying.
  • Play board games: Instead of playing video games, get together with family or friends for a game night with some classic board games.
  • Get creative in the kitchen: Try a new recipe and experiment with different flavors.
  • Have a movie marathon: Spend an evening binging on your favorite films or TV shows.

Useful Video: A Few Things to Do Instead of Video Games


When it comes to choosing activities instead of playing video games, the possibilities are nearly endless. From recreational sports to creative endeavors, there are plenty of ways to spend your time that don’t involve a controller or a console. Staying active is important for physical and mental health, so why not give some of these alternatives a try? Even if you’re a dedicated video game player, taking regular breaks and pursuing other hobbies can add variety and balance to your life. Ultimately, the key is to find activities that bring joy and fulfillment, whether it’s competing against friends in an esports tournament or learning how to paint.


  1. https://gamequitters.com/hobby-ideas/
  2. https://www.healthygamer.gg/blog/13-hobbies-to-replace-video-games
  3. https://www.video-game-addiction.org/video-game-addiction-articles/top-10-alternatives-to-video-games-04381.htm
  4. https://www.videogamealternatives.com/2018/04/the-most-useful-hobbies-to-replace-video-games.html