I would like a list of all games on the ps3 that are anime, they don't necessarily have to be based on tv shows such as bleach. But I like action and adventurous games and I would prefer more teenage/adult stuff but I don't mind games for any age.
Hey Guys. I'm on a mission to collect every single good Anime/Japanese PS3 game ever made. Recently I sat down and went thru some of the titles I have bought in the past and noticed that very few of them are engilsh.
I am getting pretty tired of stopping my gameplay to sit and translate the action on screen, so I was wondering if you guys might help me make a list of every english Anime/Japanese PS3 game ever released. This list might also be helpfull for any other gamers that are purely into Anime/Japanese PS3 games. These are the titles that I have that are in english;
- Armored Core 4
- Armored Core: For Answer
- BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
- BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
- Dynasty Warriors Gundam
- Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 (Looking for new copy)
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Genji: Days of the Blade
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
- Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
- Star Ocean: The Last Hope
- Yakuza 3
I also know of these that will have english releases;
- Armored Core 5
- Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
- Metal Gear Solid Rising
- Parasite Eve 3
- Yakuza 4
- Zone of the Enders 3
And a bit more:
- Ar Tonelico 3
- Atelier Rorona
- Cross Edge
- Disgaea 3
- Disgaea 4 (Releasing Next Year)
- Final Fantasy 14 Versus
- Katherine
- Last Rebellion
- Street Fighter IV
- Street Fighter X Tekken
- Trinity Universe
- Valkyria Chronicles
1. Playstation Move Heroes
2. Patapon 3
3. MotorStorm Apocalypse
4. Batman: Arkham Asylum
5.The Shoot
6. Resident Evil 5
7. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
8. Silent Hill
You can check out games like Playstation Move Heroes which is an PlayStation®Move Motion Controller adventure game like no other. Shooting robots up is fast-paced, and there are leaderboards, but it's too solitary an experience. It feels like playing a party game.
Patapon 3 is an action packed game with greatest portable adventure of rhythm and war.
MotorStorm Apocalypse is a great gameplay . It's a game that's more about the destruction wrought than the racing offered.
Batman: Arkham Asylum game as it a great shooter game where you can experience unique, dark and atmospheric adventure.